中国石化新闻网讯 据阿纳多卢新闻4月20日消息称,伍德麦肯兹周四发布的新地平线报告《燃料变化》称,石油和矿业公司必须重新评估它们的低碳技术目标,同时还要实现财务目标和利益相关者的期望。
伍德麦肯兹公司研究高级副总裁Tom Ellacott强调,需要重新调整低碳技术投资的当前风险和回报,以及政府利益相关者和金融机构的新激励措施。
曹海斌 摘译自 阿纳多卢新闻
Energy firms need new strategies to achieve low-carbon transition: WoodMac
Oil and mining companies must reevaluate their goals for low-carbon technologies while also achieving financial targets and stakeholder expectations, according to Fuelling Change, a new Horizons report from Wood Mackenzie on Thursday.
Tom Ellacott, senior vice president of corporate research for Wood Mackenzie, underlined the need for a recalibration of current risks and rewards for investment in low-carbon technologies, as well as new incentives from both government stakeholders and financial institutions.
Given the complacency that has taken hold, he noted that "in the last year, energy security has trumped sustainability and companies too have benefited from recent commodity prices and margins to deliver record cash flow."
"There"s no one answer, but smart oil and gas and natural resources companies will realize that protecting the status quo would be a mistake and start to manage their portfolios to reflect a balanced approach to managing legacy output and carbon management," he said.
He argued that it is possible to be on track with low-carbon goals while also achieving capital discipline.
(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )